Thursday, 24 October 2013

Spider-Man 2 

It starts of with Columbia studios to show you straight off who has made this film. It is then followed by Marvels appearance as Spider-Man is a marvel creation and this film is a joint embargo by both companies. Then Columbia presents the film and this is followed by who's production this is, all the while in the background are spiders webs on a background of red. 
It then zooms past a few of these webs then the camera rotates and shows the title of the film "Spider-Man 2" it starts to increase in light intensity and then flashes forward towards the screen.  Then all the leading actors names come up one by one in a cartoon stripe form of the person themselves. It then does it for past clips from the first film while still showing actors names. 
It's not till just over half way does the names of the people leading the main departments like; casting, music and costume design and many more.
The background is always in the colour of Spider-Man's suit: red, blue an doge black lines. Each part of this opening has a picture present, but the last picture is of Spider-Man himself to reaffirm this film.

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